How it all began
Bretashley here! Hello, welcome and thank you for stopping by! I’m the gal behind Body of Earth. A weaver of wearables and home goods, as well as a fine artist depicting the experience of the feminine as it pertains to my experience as a woman.
Being a weaver feels like an honor, a ritual to dress the loom, set myself for hours at a time to dance in the realms of warp and weft. Each piece, always made of natural fibers, is an in real time piece of ancient ways.
Slow in an instant gratification kind of world.
Intentionally and custom made to remind us our bodies are of this earth, this is an invitation, reminder, a story of such.
I warped my first loom in the winter of 2022 with my dear friends, one as a fellow student and one as teacher. The days leading up to this experience I felt on the verge of tears, excited, and leaning into the mystery of what would unfold. My desire to work with fibers felt like a great mystery to me, a whisper that felt like a small fire in my belly. I was dreaming of the way freshly felted wool ponchos would feel on my body as I walked about in falling snow. I dreamt of felting a wrap to wear around my womb as I moved back into the mountains of Montana. All these dreams and visions were really quite etheric as I’d never worked with fibers. I didn’t know how one would even go about felting something. I hadn’t seen photos, or heard anyone speak on such matters. I see it as my ancestral roots serenading my heart, with songs of a time now gone. As special paths do in our lives, and to make a longer story shorter, I found my hands mixed up in wool and soapy water, hand felting pieces until one day I was offered the chance to weave. I still play with wet felting when making womb wraps but most of my time now is spent on the loom.
My desire at this point in time is to create one of a kind, made to order pieces, for everyday life and ceremony alike. To remind us to slow. To spark creativity. To invoke individual beauty. To stoke a culture lost to many.
Be warm,
BretAshley at Body of Earth