Land into your postpartum with grounding care

Ayurvedic Inspired Postpartum Care in and around Missoula MT

Care Offered

Nourishing Meals, Snacks, and Beverages

Simple to digest, warm and unctuous meals will be prepared to assist digestion, fuel energy, help heal the body while assisting in grounding. Keeping meals simple yet delicious. Think home made bone broths, root veggies, animal fats, warming spices, and herbal infusions.  In times of stress and change it's best to fuel the body with simple  nourishment  that the body has the capacity to extract. 

Warm Oil Body Work

Warm oil applied with presence. To promote circulation, restoration, pain relief, nourishment, ease breast soreness; preventing infection and promote milk production. Physical touch in the 4th trimester helps the body regulate the hormone change that comes after birth. 

Sharing and Processing of Birth, Helping with Baby, and Light House Cleaning

It is from the words of Rachelle Garcia Seliga, a rights of passage isn't complete until the story is told. It is in her belief, that I resonate with, that mothers need to tell their stories, share what they are experiencing in the postpartum, and be heard and seen through the journey. I believe this plays a massive part in preventing depression in years following child birth. 

Pricing and Packages

I have the vision that all women who truly align with my work will have access to my care, because of that I offer a sliding scale. If this work is still inaccessible to you I am open for partial trades. In addition to that, postpartum doula care is a great item to add to your wish list for those wanting to support your journey postpartum.


Two Weeks of Care- Three Visits Weekly

Sliding Scale 

$250 a day/ $1500 for two weeks

$200 a day/ $1200 for two weeks

$175 a day/ $1050 for two weeks


Four Weeks of Care- Three Visits Weekly

Sliding Scale

$250 a day/ $3000 for four weeks

$200 a day/$2400 four four weeks

$175 a day/ $2100 for four weeks


Six Weeks of Care- Three Visits Weekly

Sliding Scale

$250 a day/ $4500 for six weeks

$200 a day/$3600 for six weeks

$175 a day/ for six weeks $3150

Post Abortion or Miscarriage Care

My care extends to those who have had an abortion or a miscarriage. The body needs the same care and nourishment. These experiences are life changing experiences, and the trauma can be significantly reduced if held through them.

This is a one time visit with the option to add on more care at $250

  • Simple to digest, warm and unctuous meals will be prepared to assist digestion, fuel energy, help heal the body while assisting in grounding. Keeping meals simple yet delicious. Think home made bone broths, root veggies, animal fats, warming spices, and herbal infusions.  In times of stress and change it's best to fuel the body with simple  nourishment  that the body has the capacity to extract. 

  • Warm oil applied with presence to the body to help in grounding and nourishing the nervous system.

  • It is in this time that we will or can create a ritual to honor the life that was held in your body.

Overnight Infant Care


What is a postpartum doula?

Postpartum is the word to describe the time after birth, A  postpartum doula is a professional who shows up in support of mother and family during that time. Each postpartum doula has their own unique flavor of how they might show up in the sacred window that is the fourth trimester. I personally lean in the direction of mother centered care, it's my direction to hold space for the mother to be seen, nourished, and grounded into her body so that she may have a solid container to pour herself into motherhood from.

What is my background? 

I have studied as a full spectrum doula on Kauai under my teacher Barbara Essmen. Attended births at home and in the hospital. I took my studies a step further and studied Ayurveda as it pertains to the 4th trimester. Much of how I hold the space is informed by the wisdom of Ayurveda, although certainly adapted to the time and place of where I live and my own ancestry.  My passion lies within serving the feminine. Expanding past my desire to serve women through birth and the postpartum, I am also an artist depicting the feminine experience as I feel it. As well as a weaver of fine wearables to remind connection to earth. 

What beliefs will I bring to the space around postpartum care and what is my ideal client?

The way I hold space in the postpartum is greatly defined by the way I show up for myself as a cycling woman. I cherish my experience as a woman, tracking my cycle, resting when I'm menstruating, avoiding synthetic birth control by tracking my cycle, eating nourishing meals and listening to the feedback my body- mind complex gives during different parts of my cycle.  I view being a woman as a gift and I set my life up, to the best of my ability, to be able to honor my needs as a cycling woman. 

With the same reverence is exactly how I will approaching holding space for mothers in the postpartum. A time for rest, connection to a new you, to the baby brought forth, and to family. I view it as a time to let the body heal from birth. A time to share. To feel to be slow. A time to invite earth back into the body after traveling so far to receive yourself as mother. A time for nourishment and touch. My ideal client aligns with these beliefs and chooses to rewrite the story of postpartum in our culture. She chooses herself, her future self, and her future generations. She takes the radical responsibility of investing and planning the support she will need in this time. 

What can I expect in my time spent with you as a postpartum doula?

I will enter your home and space with presence. Depending on what the day is looking like for you, I'll start by bringing you a cup of herbal tea, placing my hands on your feet and gently offering you touch, inviting you to come into your body and share what may be present.  As you sip tea I will set up for your warm oil body work. Laying down and I will apply the warm oil over your body with gentle and loving touch. Allowing you to find rest and relaxation. After the body work I will spend the rest of the day preparing food and tidying up your home. This will vary from day to day and from family to family

Reach Me Here For a Consultation
